South Asian Village Empowerment InternationalA 501(C3)(3) Tax Exempt Charitable Non-Profit CorporationFUNDING FUTURE PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIESSouth Asian Village Empowerment welcomes all donations, but especially encourages what are called "advised" donations where the Donor, in a partnership-like capacity, directs the application of their donation to a particular project or program activity. For example, construction of a Community Building for a particular Village, development of a special educational program for children, purchase of specific educational materials, sponsorship of a specific village, and so on. Following is a list of projects, programs or material needs that would benefit from advised donations along with estimated costs. You can also suggest some of your own ideas or interests! Large Community Building for Karanai Village $12000 Large Community Building for Siridhavuur Village $12000 Small Community Building for Mundiritoppu Village $4000Computers and Installation for Amuur-Main Community Center $2000 Library Books and storage cabinets for 5 villages $2000 School Unforms for 40 Poor Students $400
Remodel Existing Community Building with tile floors, improved lighting, Art and Drawing Materials for 5 villages $750 Notebooks and pencils for 1000 students $500 Sewing Machines with stools $120 each Salary for one part-time teacher per month $25 Return to Index PageLast Updated January 25, 2010